List of full session descriptions for each tableTable 1: Case Study Analysis of Business Forecasting techniques Using Generative AI as a collaborative Buddy
Table 2: Student Accountability with Exercising
Table 3: Using World Building and Roleplaying in Education through Technology
Table 4: Global Perspectives in Action: Leveraging 360º Technology for Student Engagement
Table 5: A tale of two annotations: Perusall facilitated reading and AI literacy
Table 6: Introducing Top Hat Journey to Success: Enhancing Student Engagement with Top Hat program.
Table 7: Student engagement before, during and after class: Building effective courses
Table 8: TELL-Technology-Enhanced Learning Leaders
Table 9: Critical Feedback: Building Better Learners From Engagement to Assessment
Table 10: Teaching Theory in Immersive Environments: The Engage Platform
Table 11: Virtual Reality Experience of Hawaiian Coral Reefs
Table 12:Tab Virtual Prison: Analysis of Student Engagement with a VR Prison Simulation
Table 13: Engagement and Deep Learning: Using VR to Foster Active Learning with PTA Students
Table 14: Adventures in Disability Culture: An Immersive Journey
Table 15: AI-based Virtual Teaching Assistant to facilitate student queries
Table 16: Teaching and Learning Technologies Faculty Advisory Committee
Table 17: 2025 Faculty Engagement Awards Preview
Table 18: Supporting learning spaces at scale, creating a common classroom experience
Table 19: EDGE Journey Resource Map
Table 20: AI Literacy in CAS 100
Table 21: Virtual Explorers