Welcome to the 2025 TLT Symposium!

This annual event showcases ways that technology can be used to enhance teaching, learning, and research. The intent is give faculty and staff the opportunity to share how they are using technology in unique ways, network with other colleagues, and generate new project ideas. More information and event details can be found on the TLT Symposium Website.

Thank you our Blue Sponsor, Top Hat. Your support for the TLT Symposium is appreciated.

Donate to the Lion’s Pantry!
This year the TLT Symposium is again providing an opportunity for attendees to support the UN Sustainable Development Goal, Zero Hunger by donating items to the Lion’s Pantry. Items can be dropped off throughout the day at the Symposium.
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:15am - 12:00pm EDT
This presentation will provide you with a fun, but impactful opportunity to add AI image creation to engage students with the content and encourage them to reflect about AI uses and the product it creates. Multiple AI image generators will be explored during the session with opportunities for participants to practice and share their creations. Additionally, pedagogy of photo narratives will be shared and its role in encouraging students to reflect about the image chosen and the process that created it. Explore how words and phrasing matters. Multiple assignment types and lengths will be shared during this interactive session.

Mary Ann Smith

Faculty - STEM, Penn State Schuylkill
I love new ideas for bringing tech to the classroom and getting students engaged in problems that affect them. 
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:15am - 12:00pm EDT

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