About me
I am working towards incorporating employability or transferable skills in my courses in Economics and Math for teaching at Penn State University Lehigh Valley Campus. I include collaborative or team-based projects where students apply their learning to unknown situations using team based collaborative research. Students self select themselves in the teams and are not coerced in joining teams. They are also encouraged to work on topics of choice and interest with team members. Roles and responsibilities are defined in teams for creating accountability and transparency of duties performed by each member. The transferable skills developed or homed in the process are team building, using power points in creating audio visual presentations, using technology to create and work remotely with team members, leadership qualities for team leaders, time management and presentation or verbal and communication skills. Teams evaluate each other using peer evaluation method based on a developed rubric or questionnaire. I will be happy to learn more on the above or discuss my strategies on the above with other fellow colleagues at the conference.